eLife 被「On Hold」后,中国投稿量大降 50%

2024-11-01 18:02 来源:微信公众号 - ShengWuXueBa 作者:生物学霸
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当地时间 10 月 23 日,国际顶级期刊  eLife  被科睿唯安(Clarivate)运营的 Web of Science 平台预警,标记为 「On Hold」。科睿唯安表示,将对  eLife  期刊的论文质量进行审查,审查结果可能导致该期刊不再获得每年更新的影响因子(IF)。

10 月 31 日,首都医科大学校长饶毅在其个人公众号发文称,elife 主编给其来信 「 称自从 Web of Science 把它搁置后,因为担心影响 SCI 分数,来自中国的投稿降低 50%,而来自欧美的没有改变 」,饶毅对此表示:「 请接受我祝贺你们避免中国来源垃圾文章的成功。」 全文如下:


接科学期刊 elife 主编来信,称自从 Web of Science 把它搁置后,因为担心影响 SCI 分数,来自中国的投稿降低 50%,而来自欧美的没有改变。

(评价 SCI 的公司不过是一个国外赚钱的民营企业,它试图统治全世界的科学标准,以及任何认同其标准的人和机构,都是幼稚可笑的)。


亲爱的 Detlef,

在我以不同形式相关的每一所机构(北京生命科学研究所、北京大学、北京脑科学研究所、首都医学科学创新中心,以及最新的上海自然科学研究院),从来不允许 SCI。

十年前,我写过多篇文章批评用 SCI 之愚蠢。

我自己在 elife 发表过 3 篇文章(笔误,好像是四篇)第一篇的第一作者是我的研究生、冷泉港实验室和 Duke 大学的博士后、现在任教于北大(我唯一在北大任教的学生,在北大与我不同学院,聘任决策过程我完全没有参与,得到多个竞争性职位后选北大,现在研究领域完全不同于我)。也就是说在 elife 发表文章并未负面影响他在中国的事业机会。

虽然我可能再写文章劝诫中国新一代科学家(好像吴仲义在写),我建议你们不用担心:让投稿下降的一般是那些特别关心 SCI 的人,通常并不关心科学。虽然不能责怪其百分之百,但他们对于造假和选择性资料的贡献更为显著。



Dear Detlef,

In every institution I have been associated with in different ways (NIBS, Peking University, Chinese Institute for Brain Research, Chinese Institute for Medical Research, and the latest Shanghai Academy of Natural Sciences), SCI is never allowed. 

I have written about the stupidity of using SCI more than ten years ago.

I have published three papers in eLife and will continue to do so. The first author of the first paper was a graduate student in my lab, a postdoc at Cold Spring Harbor (and Duke), and now a faculty member at Peking University (the only former student of mine at Peking University, not in my college, in a process from which I was completely excused from, after declining other competitive offers and  and working in a field completely different from my own). It did not seem to affect his career opportunities in China.

While, at some point, I may write again (as I know that Chung-Yi Wu is doing now) to alert the newer generation of Chinese scientists, I would suggest that you do not need to worry: the decrease of submission would be from those who care about SCI and thus (usually) not about science. While it is not true that 100% of them are to be blamed, these authors contribute significantly more to fake and selective data than those who do not care about SCI.

So, please accept my congratulations for your success in avoiding garbage papers from China.

I assure you that China will continue to have more and more papers of high quality science, though it is a process that may not be as fast as we would like.


编辑: 王凯



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