
2006-07-19 00:00 来源:丁香园 作者:flxu99
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    四、Writing Skills in English for Research Paper

    写paper注意九个环节:Preparation, Structure, Title, Abstracts, Introduction, Conclusion, Body of Paper, Recision, Acknowledgement。Preparation就是收集资料,找出灵感和方向,主要依靠的是journal in library。Structure是重点,paper的structure应该是两个triangle组成的:上面一个倒三角,下面一个正三角,意思就是选题要宽(wide),研究方向要窄,然后最后的conclusion又发散开来。在paper的body前后都必须有declarative statement,用最少的字句表达出自己的观点,吸引读者。

    Title必须清晰简短(clear,short),表达出自己唯一的topic以提升读者的兴趣(promote the interest of reader),然而title中切记不能出现abbreviation和自己的result。

    Abstracts是paper的一个缩写(miniature of whole paper),一定要简明扼要(less than 200 words,one paragraph),按照paper的顺序介绍主要研究对象(subject)、实验设计(design)、实验步骤(procedures)以及最后结果(results),这种介绍必须让非专业的人员能够(non-specialist)看懂。

    Introduction同样要保证简短,顺序是一般背景介绍、别人工作成果、自己的研究目的及工作简介,其中介绍别人工作时只需介绍和自己最相关的方面(very relevant),而对自己的工作介绍不用说明细节,因为这个要放到body中去。不要忘记在介绍自己工作之前要有一个declarative statement。

    Body部分可以分为methods、result和discussiong三个部分:①Methods,详尽的介绍自己的实验方案以便于他人能够重复自己的实验过程,对于通用的实验方案可以简略,重点要放到自己的独创方案上面(own procedures),按照实验的先后顺序介绍,为了文章的阅读方便,不要使用过多层次的subheadings,比如subsubsubsection等等。②Result,使用text、table、figure等手段表达出来,其中table不要使用过多,而figure必须保证图线清楚、注解明确,必要的时候还要对于自己的result中的一些结论进行解释说明。③Discussion,这个部分是为了以后的study,在其中提出自己的problem或者是hypothesis,和别人的成果进行比较,暗示自己的主要收获,为后面的conclusion做准备。

    Conclusion中不要包含body以外的information,保持brief、neat和concise,一定要舍得结束自己的paper;如果自己的paper只是project的一部分,稍做说明。Revison是在写完之后回头看看是否有逻辑上的错误,是否考虑到了读者兴趣,自己的declarative statement是否令人满意,Brevity is the soul of literary construction。Acknowledgement,不要忘记,这个反应了一个人的个人品质。

    五、How to Write an Article by Gill B

    We very much welcome articles written by forumers, whether historical, strategic or about castles. Hopefully you will find a few hints and a bit of advice here which will help.

    1. Before you do anything at all, check that nobody is already writing a similar article. You don't want to spend a long time on research and writing only to find that someone else has already written about the same thing. Probably, for simplicity, you should mail your idea to me and I can check with the right person.

    2. It helps if you can write in clear and correct English. However, if English isn't your first language, don't let this put you off. I am happy to edit/proof read/anglicise what you have written.

    3. Look at previous articles on the site to see the sort of thing we like. Historical articles need to be factual, but not too dry. Strategy/design articles need to be accurate. Both need to be about something not already covered on the site.

    4. Your article needs to be original. You will need to do a lot of research on the web and/or in books. Of course you can use the information you find, but it will need to be rewritten in your own words. If you are using the internet for your research, try to find at least two sites confirming the information as there are some very inaccurate websites out there - we don't want to be one of them.

    5. If at all possible you will need illustrations for your article.

    a) If they are your own photos, drawings or screenshots, that's great.

    b) If you need an image of a unit, commodity or building from the game, there's a good chance we will already have an image uploaded somewhere.

    c)If you want to use an image from another website, you will have to write and ask permission. Do this politely; explain about the article you are writing, tell them that there will be a link to their site and send them a link to Stronghold Heaven so that they can see where their images will be used. If you are lucky, they will reply straight away giving you permission. More likely they will not reply at all, in which case you will need to look elsewhere. Please note that, for these purposes, HeavenGames is considered a commercial site (because we make a little money on the adverts, not a lot, but it's the idea that counts). This means a lot of pics that are in 'public' domain, will not be available to us, as they are for non-commerical use only. Permission to use external images is mandatory and we may need to see it before your article can be uploaded. We do have blanket permission to use images from some Castle Sites as long as they are credited, which might help you in your search.

    6. The final bit.

    a) When you have written your article and are happy with it, send it to me, preferably as a .txt file (though a .doc file is OK), together with any images you want to use. If the images are external, let me have the url where they can be found. Indicate in the article where you want each image to be.

    b) I (or another angel) will edit it and query with you anything we don't understand, then we will code and upload the article and you will be sent the url so you can have a look and see if you are happy with it.

    c) If not, we'll work on getting it how you want it; if so, it will be newsed and linked in to its appropriate place.


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编辑: Zhu

