
2023-08-08 13:35 来源:微信公众号 - ShengWuXueBa 作者:生物学霸
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8 月 6 日,西湖大学微信公众号发文,国际知名生物化学和细胞生物学家、原加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校杰出教授管坤良,本月初正式全职加入西湖大学、西湖实验室,受聘为分子细胞生物学讲席教授

管坤良,浙江桐乡人,1982 年获得浙江大学(原杭州大学)学士学位;1989 年获得普渡大学博士学位;1989-1991 年在普渡大学从事博士后研究;1992-2007 年在密歇根大学任教,2007 进入加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校任教,并于 2013-2023 年受聘为该校杰出教授。

2023 年,入职西湖大学任生命科学学院讲席教授、博士生导师

管坤良主要从事细胞生长调控和肿瘤发生的信号转导方面的研究。在博士后期间,他发现了双特异性蛋白磷酸酶家族和生物催化中的新型硫代磷酸盐中间体,其实验室的早期工作克隆了人类 MEK1/2 并阐明了 MEK 的激活机制。过去二十年来,管坤良重点关注 mTOR 和 Hippo 通路,在建立 mTORC1 信号传导网络方面做出了重要贡献,包括在生长因子、营养和能量应答中鉴定了 TSC1/2-Rheb、Rag 和 AMPK 作为 mTORC1 的上游调控因子,以及阐明 ULK1 和 VPS34 作为 mTORC1 在自噬中的下游效应分子。

近年来,他的团队一直在关注 Hippo 通路及其在癌症中的作用,在推动 Hippo 领域方面发挥了领导作用。

截至目前,管坤良已发表 300 多篇研究论文,是分子生物学和遗传学领域被引用最多的研究人员之一(H 指数 167,谷歌学术),同时也是在 Hippo 领域被引用最多的学者和在 mTOR 领域被引用第二多的学者。曾获评美国「麦克阿瑟天才奖」、美国生物化学和分子生物学学会「青年科学家奖」和华人生物学家协会吴瑞奖等多个重要奖项。

加入西湖大学后,管坤良将组建「分子细胞生物学实验室」,聚焦于 Hippo 通路调控的分子机制、上游信号、生理功能以及其在癌症中的作用。目前实验室已正式启动招聘。


E-mail: guankunliang@westlake.edu.cn




1. Inoki, K., Zhu, T., and Guan, K-L. (2003) TSC2 mediates cellular energy response to control cell growth and survival.  Cell 115, 577-590.

2. Inoki, K., Ouyang, H., Zhu, T., et al, Williams, B., and Guan, K-L. (2006) TSC2 integrates Wnt and cellular energy signals through a coordinated phosphorylation by AMPK and GSK3 to regulate cell growth. Cell 126, 955-68.

3. Kim, E., Goraksha, P., Li, L., Neufeld, T.P., and Guan, K-L. (2008) Regulation of TORC1 by Rag GTPases in nutrient response. Nature Cell Biol. 10, 935-945.

4. Zhao, S., Xu, W., Jiang, W., et al, Q., Xiong, Y., Guan, K-L., (2010) Regulation of cellular metabolism by protein lysine acetylation.  Science 327, 1000-1004.

5. Kim, J., Kundu, M., Viollet, B., and Guan, K-L., (2011) AMPK and mTOR regulate autophagy via direct phosphorylation of ULK1. Nature Cell Biol. 13, 132-141. 

6. Yu, F-X., Zhao, B., Panupinthu, N., Jewell, J. L., Wang, L., Zhao, J., Yan, H., Tumaneng, K., Li, H., Fu, X-D., Mills, G. B., and Guan, K-L. (2012) Regulation of the Hippo-YAP pathway by G-protein coupled receptor signaling. Cell 150, 780-91.

7. Russell, R.C., Tian, Y., Yuan, H., Park, H.W., Chang, Y.Y., Kim, J., Jim, H., Neufeld, T., Dillin, A., Guan, K-L. (2013) ULK1 induces autophagy by phosphorylating Beclin-1 and activating Vps34 lipid kinase.  Nature Cell Biol. 15, 741-50.

8. Zhao, D., Zou, S-W., Liu, Y., Zou, X., Mo, Y., Wang, P., Xu, Y-H., Dong, B., Xiong, Y., Lei, Q-Y., and Guan, K-L. (2013) Lysine-5 acetylation negatively regulates lactate dehydrogenase A and is decreased in pancreatic cancer. Cancer Cell, 23, 464-476. 

9. Kim, J., Kim, Y.C., Fang, C., Russell, R.C., Kim, J.H., Fan, W., Liu, R., Zhong, Q., and Guan, K-L. (2013) Differential regulation of distinct Vps34 complexes by AMPK in nutrient stress and autophagy.  Cell 152, 290-303.

10. Yu, F.X., Luo, J., Mo, J-S., Liu, G., Kim, Y.C., Meng, Z., Zhao, L., Peyman, G., Ouyang, H., Jiang, W., Zhao, J., Chen, X., Zhang, L., Bastian, B.C., Zhang, K. and Guan, K-L. (2014) Mutant Gq/11 promote uveal melanoma tumorigenesis by activating YAP. Cancer Cell 25, 822-830. 

11. Jewell, J.L., Kim, Y.C., Russell, R.C., Yu, F.X., Park, H.W., Plouffe, S.W., Tagliabracci, V.S., and Guan, K-L. (2015) Differential Regulation of mTORC1 by Leucine and Glutamine. Science 347, 194-198.

12. Yu, F.X., Zhao, B., and Guan, K-L. (2015) Hippo pathway in organ size control, tissue homeostasis, and cancer.  Cell 163, 811-828.

13. Park, H. W., Kim, Y.C., Yu, B., Moroishi, T., Mo, J-S., Plouffe, S.W., Meng, Z., Lin, K.C., Yu, F.X., Alexander, C.M., Wang, C., and Guan, K-L. (2015) Alternative Wnt Signaling Activates YAP/TAZ. Cell 162, 780-794.

14. Moroishi, T., Hayashi, T., Pan, W.W., Fujita, Y., Holt, M.V., Qin, J., Carson, D.A., and Guan, K-L. (2016) The Hippo pathway kinase LATS1/2 suppress cancer immunity. Cell 167, 1525-39.

15. Lin, K.C., Moroishi, T., Meng, Z., Jeong, H., Plouffe, S.W., Sekido, Y., Han, J., Park, H.W., Guan, K-L. (2017). Regulation of Hippo pathway transcription factor TEAD by p38 MAPK-induced cytoplasmic translocation. Nature Cell Biol. 19, 996-1002.

16. Meng, Z., Qiu, Y., Lin, K.C., Kumar, A., Placone, J.K., Fang, C., Wang, K-C., Lu, S., Hong, A.W., Pan, M.,  Moroishi, T., Luo, M., Plouffe, S.W., Diao, Y., Ye, Z., Park, H.W., Wang, X., Yu, F-X., Chien, S., Wang, C-Y., Ren, B., Engler, A.J., and Guan, K-L. (2018) RAP2 mediates mechno-responses of Hippo pathway. Nature 560, 655-660.

17. Chen, R., Xie, R., Meng, Z., Ma, S., Guan, K-L. (2019). STRIPAK integrates upstream signals to initiate the Hippo kinase cascade. Nature Cell Biol. 21, 1565-1577.

18. Luo, M., Meng, Z., Moroishi, T., Lin, K.C., Shen, G., Mo, F., Shao, B., Wei, X., Zhang, P., Wei, Y., Guan, K-L. (2020) Heat stress activates YAP/TAZ to induce the heat shock transcriptome. Nature Cell Bio. 22, 1447-59.

19. Ma, s., Wu, Z., Yang, F., Zhang, J., Johnson, R.L., Rosenfeld, M.G., and Guan, K-L. (2021) Matters Arising: Hippo signaling maintains ER expression and ER+ breast cancer growth. Nature 591, E1-E10.

20. Li, F.L., Fu, V., Liu, G., Tang, T., Koradi, A., Peng, X., Kemper, E., Cravatt, B.F., Franklin, J.M., Wu, Z., Mayfield, J., Dixon, J.E., Gerwick, W.H., and Guan, K-L. (2022) Regulation of the Hippo pathway by phosphatidylinositol transfer protein (PITP) and phosphoinositides. Nature Chem. Biol. 18, 1076-1086. 

编辑: 王凯



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