
2014-06-29 18:15 来源:生物360 作者:koo
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日前,位于山景城的搜索巨头谷歌旗下的 Google Scholar 发布了 2014 版期刊排名(2014 version of Scholar Metrics)。其中,《自然》、《新英格兰医学杂志》与《科学》名列三甲,4 至 10 位则分别是:《柳叶刀》、《细胞》、《美国科学院院报》、《临床肿瘤学杂志》、《化学评论》、《物理评论快报》以及《美国化学学会期刊》。详细榜单(英文)如下:

Rank Publication h5-index h5-median
1 Nature 355 495
2 The New England Journal of Medicine 329 495
3 Science 311 431
4 The Lancet 248 381
5 Cell 223 343
6 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 217 280
7 Journal of Clinical Oncology 205 306
8 Chemical Reviews 193 339
9 Physical Review Letters 191 263
10 Journal of the American Chemical Society 190 250
11 Nature Genetics 188 270
12 JAMA 181 288
13 Circulation 178 274
14 Chemical Society reviews 176 272
15 Nano Letters 174 247
16 Advanced Materials 173 253
17 Angewandte Chemie International Edition 171 247
18 NBER Working Papers 168 241
19 Nucleic Acids Research 164 281
20 Journal of the American College of Cardiology 162 235
21 arXiv Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO) 162 222
22 Blood 156 200
23 The Astrophysical Journal 153 204
24 ACS Nano 149 215
25 PLoS ONE 148 187
26 Nature Materials 146 250
27 Nature Medicine 146 217
28 arXiv High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) 145 194
29 Angewandte Chemie 139 179
30 arXiv Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics (cond-mat.mes-hall) 138 198
31 arXiv Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci) 136 227
32 Nature Nanotechnology 136 200
33 Nature Reviews Cancer 135 242
34 Neuron 135 178
35 Physical Review D 134 181
36 British Medical Journal 133 187
37 Cancer Research 133 178
38 The Journal of Clinical Investigation 133 176
39 The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 132 188
40 Gastroenterology 132 180
41 Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 131 267
42 Journal of High Energy Physics 130 178
43 Nature Reviews Genetics 129 244
44 Nature Immunology 129 213
45 Nature Biotechnology 129 197
46 The Lancet Oncology 128 208
47 arXiv Quantum Physics (quant-ph) 128 204
48 Physical Review B 128 161
49 Accounts of Chemical Research 127 189
50 Hepatology 127 181
51 The Journal of Neuroscience 127 156
52 Nature Reviews Immunology 126 226
53 Nature Physics 124 181
54 arXiv High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) 124 174
55 Immunity 123 183
56 The American Economic Review 122 196
57 The Journal of Experimental Medicine 122 188
58 Nature Photonics 122 186
59 Cell Stem Cell 121 192
60 Molecular Cell 121 172
61 Nature Neuroscience 121 166
62 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 121 154
63 Nature Reviews Neuroscience 119 220
64 The Lancet Neurology 119 191
65 arXiv High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex) 118 178
66 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 118 167
67 Biomaterials 118 143
68 European Heart Journal 117 178
69 Pediatrics 117 162
70 NeuroImage 117 158
71 Applied Physics Letters 117 151
72 Review of Financial Studies 116 179
73 Clinical Cancer Research 116 162
74 Annals of Internal Medicine 115 178
75 Nature Cell Biology 115 173
76 Environmental Science & Technology 115 151
77 The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 150
78 Genes & Development 114 162
79 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 114 150
80 Journal of Biological Chemistry 114 146
81 Nature Methods 113 187
82 Diabetes Care 113 163
83 Clinical Infectious Diseases 113 148
84 Cancer Cell 112 197
85 Astronomy & Astrophysics 112 154
86 Advanced Functional Materials 111 157
87 Energy & Environmental Science 111 146
88 Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 110 186
89 Archives of Internal Medicine 110 153
90 Journal of Materials Chemistry 110 153
91 Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 110 142
92 arXiv Superconductivity (cond-mat.supr-con) 109 162
93 Genome Research 109 160
94 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 108 161
95 The Journal of Cell Biology 108 151
96 PLoS Genetics 108 144
97 Neurology 108 132
98 Reviews of Modern Physics 107 233
99 The Journal of Finance 107 163
100 Chemistry of Materials 107 152


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编辑: zhongguoxing

