PLoS One 数据共享新规解读

2014-05-14 10:15 来源:丁香园 作者:长青藤编辑
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以 PLoS One 为代表的一些杂志已经要求作者共享数据。很多中国作者不清楚怎样的数据必须共享,如何共享。下面是长青藤编辑阅读PLoS One主页相关条款(的解读,和大家分享:

原则性条款:Publications conditional upon the agreement of the authors to make freely available any materials and information described in their publication that may be reasonably requested by others.



PLOS journals require authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception1.


When submitting a manuscript online, authors must provide a Data Availability Statement describing compliance with PLOS's policy. If the article is accepted for publication, the data availability statement will be published as part of the final article.


Refusal to share data and related metadata and methods in accordance with this policy will be grounds for rejection. PLOS journal editors encourage researchers to contact them if they encounter difficulties in obtaining data from articles published in PLOS journals. If restrictions on access to data come to light after publication, we reserve the right to post a correction, to contact the authors' institutions and funders, or in extreme cases to retract the publication.

作者拒绝分享数据和方法将构成拒稿的充分理由。就此,如果其他研究者联系发表在 PLoS One论文作者但被拒绝,可以向杂志投诉。情况如果证实,杂志有权通知作者单位和提供资助的机构。情节恶劣,杂志有权撤销论文。

Acceptable data-sharing methods:


1)Data deposition (strongly recommended). All data and related metadata underlying the findings reported in a submitted manuscript should be deposited in an appropriate public repository2, unless already provided as part of the submitted article. Repositories may be either subject-specific (where the seexist) and accept specific types of structured data, or generalist repositories that accept multiple data types, such as Dryad.

Guidance on acceptable repositories is included below2. The Data Availability Statement must specify that data are deposited publicly and list the name(s) of repositories along with digital object identifiers or accession numbers for the relevant datasets. In some cases authors may not be able to obtain DOIs or accession numbers until the manuscript is accepted; in these cases, the authors must provide these numbers at acceptance. In all other cases, these numbers must be provided at submission.


2)Data in Supporting Information files. For smaller datasets and certain data types, authors  may upload data as Supporting Information files accompanying the manuscript. (See also additional information regarding appropriate use of Supporting Information files.) Authors should take care to maximize the accessibility and reusability of the data by selecting a file format from which data can be efficiently extracted (for example, spreadsheets are preferable to PDF when providing tabulated data).

小量的或者某些特别类别的数据,可以作为论文附件在投稿时和论文手稿一起上传。作者需要选择易于读取的格式,例如 excel 文件而不是PDF格式的文档。

If data deposition or provision in Supporting Information is not ethical or legal (e.g., underlying data pose privacy or legal concerns, or include human participants3), the following two methods may be acceptable alternatives, subject to case-by-case evaluation:


Data made available to all interested researchers upon request. The Data Availability Statement must specify “Data available on request” and identify the group to which requests should be submitted (e.g., a named data access committee or named ethics committee). The reasons for restrictions on public data deposition must also be specified. Note that it is not acceptable for the authors to be the sole named individuals responsible for ensuring data access.


Data available from third party. In the case of a primary dataset that was not originally generated by the authors of the submitted manuscript, appropriate data sharing may require that interested researchers obtain third-party data independently from the named original source. In this case, the Data Availability Statement must state the source of the data with full citation and, if the dataset cannot be provided, indicate “Data available from (named source).” The reasons for restrictions on public data deposition must also be specified.



1. Definition of data that must be shared


PLOS defines the “minimal dataset” to consist of the dataset used to reach the conclusions drawn in the manuscript with related metadata and methods, and any additional data required to replicate the reported study findings in their entirety. Core descriptive data, methods, and study results should be included within the main paper, regardless of data deposition. PLOS does not accept references to “data not shown”. Editors and reviewers may require particular data types for certain articles on a case-by-case basis. Authors who have datasets too large for sharing via repositories or uploaded files should contact the relevant journal for advice.

必须共享的数据是:用来得到论文结论的数据以及能够用来让他人重复研究的方法。杂志有权要求作者提供某些特定的数据。如果数据量太大导致无法上传到数据库,作者应该联系杂志。“data not shown”是不能被接收的。

2. Guidance on data repositories


PLOS requires that authors comply with field-specific standards for preparation and recording of data and select repositories appropriate to their field, for example deposition of microarray data in Array Express or GEO; deposition of gene sequences in GenBank, EMBL or DDBJ; clinical trials data in; and deposition of ecological data in Dryad. Authors are encouraged to select repositories that meet accepted criteria as trustworthy digital repositories, such as criteria of the Centre for Research Libraries or Data Seal of Approval. Large, international databases are more likely to persist than small, local ones. Copyright licensing for data held in repositories maybe unclear. If authors use repositories with stated licensing policies the policies should not be more restrictive than CC-BY.



编辑: 赵双

