小谈 BMJ 杂志 Rapid Response 发表体会

2014-05-04 18:29 来源:丁香园论坛 作者:sszx
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本文章历经 NEJM-LANCET-BMJ 最后……

平时也偶尔浏览浏览这些大牌杂志,当初写这篇 letter 主要是源于 NEJM 的一篇文献,当时看到文章的时候就比较兴奋,其实因为目前关于脸面移植的真正文章并不多 ,Lancet 2006 年发表了一篇,NEJM 的这篇文章也是法国 lyon 医院团队完成(只是文章的一作和通讯换了个位),内容是术后 18 个月的随访(初读了一下两篇文章,部分内容有些重复),其他的多是动物实验及相关的基础,伦理,心里学等方面得研究,而且比较零散,之后有些陆陆续续发表一些相关的文章,其实国内西京医院于 2006 年也完成手术,可文章目前还没有发表,但已投稿,在此祝他们好运。

继续仔细研读文章,发现如下图示,在心里学方面他们没有进行 testing,大家都知道关于美容整形外科移植心理学方面的评估还是很有必要的,至少本人写文章的出发点在于此,遂继续查阅大量文献(但关于此方面心里学方面的并不熟悉,所以还是费了好几天劲阅读了不少的文献),着手拟对这篇文章进行自己的论述,翻阅了一下 NEJM 的 insturctions for author 只有 letter 符合 我对此文章的简单论述。

当时并没有仔细看稿约,主要是时间方面得,稿约要求如对一篇文章发表你得观点,必须在文章出版后三个星期返回编辑部,我的超时了,第一眼看到 decision 被撤稿,自己还在那纳闷,缘何撤稿,不懂,研读了一下 decision(当时自己没拿准还请教园子里 hhxx1021 战友了),自己也投过不少文章怎被 withdraw,最后发现是超时了,晕倒 忙活好一阵子,居然连都没到编辑的手里就被卡查了,当时郁闷好一阵啊,所以大家以后在投稿时务必务必要看清稿约。

速度还是蛮快的,偶稀饭。文章 9 号投出 14 号被 withdraw decision 如下:

Dear Dr. Zhang,

I am sorry that we cannot consider your letter to the editor concerning the Dubernard article of December 13 for possible publication in the Journal.

Letters referring to a recent article must be received within three weeks after publication of the article. We received your letter in our office on January 9, after correspondence regarding the December 13 issue had been given to the editor for consideration. The accepted letters will be published in a forthcoming article of the Journal.

Thank you for your submission.


Kate Piburn
Editorial Assistant
New England Journal of Medicine
10 Shattuck Street
Boston, MA 02115
(617) 734-9800
Fax: (617) 739-9864

至此,告一段落。以撤稿而结束,但自己并没有放弃,因为我觉得自己的东西还是有点价值,所以重操文章,目光盯上了 Lancet,因为 06 它们发了一篇关于此方面的文章,因此它们应该还是比较感兴趣的,文章没有修改,同样以 letter 的形式,继续投稿,此时并没有报太大希望,只是不死心罢了,(还真以为人家会要你的东西啊)结果可想而知被拒,还给了点意见,好让我下次投稿注意点 以免浪费人家的人力资源呢。

Decision 如下:

Manuscript reference number: THELANCET-D-08-00414

Title: Psychological assessment of candidates for face transplantation

Dear Dr Dr ZHANG,

Thank you for submitting your letter. After in-house review, I'm afraid we have decided not to accept it for publication.

We regret that we are unable to write a personal note for every letter we turn down, but the following common reasons for rejection may help you with future submissions: lateness (ie, more than 2 weeks after publication of the article on which you are commenting), inclusion of original research (the section is not peer reviewed, so we cannot publish such work here), submission of case reports (we have a separate section for these), reiteration of points made by another correspondent, and inappropriate length (limits are 250 words and 5 references). If none of these apply to your letter, please be assured that we have nevertheless considered it carefully and probably had to refuse it because we have simply received too much good material.

Yours sincerely
Zo Mullan
Senior Editor

速度也着实个快啊 16 号投 28 号拒,大牌杂志个个都这样,印证了园内战友所说,不要你的,很快就给你卡查掉,没有余地的说。

完了 这一遭真的以为没戏了 人家好像都不敢兴趣 ,这不我又瞄上了 BMJ,这时我想换个搞法了,不能在 letter 了,翻了一下稿约,personal view 符合我写的,于是改动了一下格式 上阵 submit,和那些打牌杂志一样,reject,但此时编辑给我的回复是 intertesting,让我以 rapid response 形式对 face of the future 在投,我看了一下文章,正是那编辑写的,这时候下载该文章仔细阅读(是关于全脸移植的)感觉对头,结合文章改了下最后还是以 letter 的形式重新投出去了,BMJ 中的 letter(rapid response)必须在线投,所以只好按它的那弄,只有让你粘贴,不能上传了,粘贴完毕,submit。

第一次 28 号投的 4 号就回了意见如下:

To: XX Zhang
From: papersadmin@bmj.com
Subject: BMJ BMJ/2008/546945 - Manuscript Decision
Psychological assessment of candidates for face transplantation
by XX Zhang

Dear Dr. Zhang

Thank you for sending us your paper. We read it with interest but I regret to say that we have decided not to publish it in the BMJ.

It would be best if you could post this response as a rapid response to a recent article on face transplantation, called Face of the Future.A link is pasted below.

We receive over 8000 submissions a year and accept less than 10%. We do therefore have to make hard decisions on just how interesting an article will be to our general clinical readers, how much it adds, and how much practical value it will be.

I am sorry to disappoint you on this occasion.

Best wishes
Rebecca Coombes
acting reviews editor

第二次 14 号投 今天 online 同时给那个编辑也在写了封信,不知道这次稿件是否还是他审的,我不得而知。

文章 letter 本身估计如 coss9899 兄们所说可能没什么意义,也算不上什么文章,甚至也没什么奖励,但是自我觉得关于脸面移植心理学这方面我要表达的观点是有一定意义的,只是想把它说出来而已,仅此!实际上发现文章现在还存着不足。


编辑: zhongguoxing

