
2013-06-19 21:33 来源:科学网 作者:孙 学军
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这一报告是根据2010年和2011年发表的论文在2012年被引用的次数作为最重要依据,寻找的到热文( hot papers)和热文作者。如果用一句话概括的话,2012年热点论文主要来自上帝粒子、生物医学、材料和大数据等方面的研究。由于本人只熟悉一点生物医学,其他领域的介绍请其他同学来完成吧。材料后面还有50篇2012年度高引论文,也值得关注,而且是更新的信息。具体请看附件。
第一、  上帝粒子改变科学面貌
The big news in science over the last year madefor big news around the world: the announcement that experiments at the Large HadronCollider (LHC) at CERN had produced evidence of the Higgs boson—the long-soughtparticle that ties together many elements of the Standard Model, the frameworkfor explaining the fundamental forces at work in the universe. The Higgs huntlooms large on the list of 2012’s most-cited papers, accounting for the #1 and#2 entries (both with approximately 200 citations by late December) along withnine other reports—in all, more than a fifth of the 51 featured papers. Theepic scale of the Higgs boson research has also fundamentally changed the faceof scientific research with its emphasis onmass collaboration. Continuing the trend we first reported on last year, the Higgs researchhas become the quintessential example of the growth in multiauthor papers. SeveralHiggs-related papers published last year from the ATLAS and CMS collaborationsat CERN listed upwards of 3,000 authors each. These large collaborations,however, do not lend themselves to the space restrictions in this report’slisting of hot researchers, which features authors who recorded 11 or more HotPapers in the course of 2012. So, in lieu of featuring the many hundreds ofindividual names, we are bestowing a collective honorable mention on thescientists of the ATLAS Collaboration, 22 of whose recent reports registered asHot Papers during 2012. Kudos also to the CMS Collaboration, which posted nineHot Papers, and to another experiment at CERN, the ALICE detector, with four.
来自圣路易斯华盛顿大学的Richard K. Wilson发表了15篇热点论文,其中发表在《自然》上的“A map of human genome variation frompopulation-scale sequencing” (1000 Genomes Project, Nature, 467(7319): 1061-73,2010).这也是2011年度的热点论文,并且是生物医学领域的热点论文。
随后的热点论文大户是来自中国华大基因组研究所的王俊,王有13篇热点论文。随后有科学观察的熟面孔,已经有9各年度进入排行榜的MIT and Harvard的Eric Lander,他在12篇热点论文出现在作者目录中。Michigan大学的生物统计学家也有12篇热点论文入帐。Birmingham 大学的Gregory Y.H. Lip受益于他关于房颤方面的研究,竟然有14篇热点论文。Howard Hughes 的Rob Knight也斩获14篇热点论文,他们的研究是人类菌群的元基因组研究。deCODE Genetics的Kari Stefansson关于神经退行性疾病的基因组学研究有13篇论文入围。Vanderbilt大学的Jeffrey A. Sosman和麻省医院的Keith T. Flaherty分别有11篇关于肿瘤研究的论文。其中有5篇论文是他们合作完成的,主要是关于用一种可以抑制BRAF酶活性的化合物来控制恶性肿瘤的研究。
Along withthe biomedical specialists, representatives from the physical sciences alsoregistered strongly on the list of authors. Yongfang Li of the Institute ofChemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, contributed to 14 Hot Papers on polymersolar cells employing fullerene derivatives and other materials. Cells thatincorporate polymers to harness the sun’s energy—although their developmentcurrently lags the more commercially established technology using silicon—areultimately expected to yield low-cost and versatile alternatives to conventionalelectricity. Polymer solar cells, therefore, currently constitute an extremelyactive area of materials research. Working in this same area is Frederik C.Krebs of the Technical University of Denmark, another returnee from last year’slist, whose 11 papers discuss polymer solar cells. One report, now cited roughly200 times, describes the manufacture and integration of polymer solar cells ina lamp for the “Lighting Africa” initiative, as Krebs discussed with ScienceWatchin 2011. Krebs is also featured in the recent report on Research Fronts, in asection examining polymer solar-cell research. Rodney S. Ruoff of theUniversity of Texas, Austin, fielded a dozen Hot Papers on graphene, examiningmeans for synthesizing and harnessing the compound in such applications aselectrodes for supercapacitors and anode material for lithium ion batteries. Graphenealso figures in the work of Jiaguo Yu of Wuhan University of Technology. Yu’s12 Hot Papers report on graphene nanosheets and graphene-based semiconductorphotocatalysts, along with other materials, including titaniumdioxide nanotubearrays. Graphene, consisting of a hexagonal arrangement of carbon atoms at athickness of a single atom, has been very actively investigated over the lastdecade for a variety of applications in electronics and biomedicine. Similarly,Hui-Ming Cheng of Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, featured lastyear, returns to the list with 11 papers on advanced materials for energystorage, such as hybrid materials that combine graphene with other compounds.
Outside therealm of materials, Zidong Wang of Brunel University recorded 12 Hot Papers presentingcomplex mathematical and statistical operations for the analysis of largedatasets. This work (e.g., “A stochastic sampled-data approach to distributedH-infinity filtering in sensor networks”) has found application in engineering,mathematics, computer science, physics, automation control and mechanics.


编辑: zhongguoxing

