
2013-04-08 23:55 来源:丁香园 作者:wyy8619
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Reviewer #4 (Comments to the Author):

I still have some notes:
please avoid to make a rebuttal letter LONGER than the MS. You may put the info about the changed parts directly in the text (using a different colour, highlighting the text, underlying...). Additionally, it is not necessary to repeat all the changed parts under each question raised by the reviewers, you can make reference to the page/ line that was changed, leaving in the letter to the referees only your comments. 其实我是按杂志社的要求,发了一张change list,杂志社并没有让我在文中highlighting the text什么的,我虽然觉得不合理,不容易看,但是心想每个杂志都有自己的考虑,对每个问题都进行了一一的回答,写了长达20+页的回答,其他审稿人都表示作者进行了充分的回答,但是有一些英文还需改进。而她并没有被我如此认真的态度所感动,还说我不尊重她之前的工作)
Paying attention to this is the actual meaning of appreciating earnestly our work.....
I am reviewer no. 4, and I do not like to be called Sir. As far as I know, this is used for men only. Using Sir for all four reviewers, you are just putting the women out of the Journal. Just on a statistical base, 2 of 4 should be women.....
Next time, I will refuse all papers that use a sexist terminology in all and each part.
Page 14: I still believe that the use of a 2d stimulus is out of date. I still believe that the authors should use a 3D system. Current data do not add mush to actual knowledge on the topic. Just some papers that did investigations similar to yours BEFORE you:
Cala L, Spalj S, Slaj M, Lapter MV, Slaj M. Facial profile preferences: differences in the perception of children with and without orthodontic history. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2010 Oct;138(4):442-50.
Feu D, Oliveira BH, Celeste RK, Miguel JA. Influence of orthodontic treatment on adolescents' self-perceptions of esthetics. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2012 Jun;141(6):743-50.
Kiekens RM, Maltha JC, van 't Hof MA, Straatman H, Kuijpers-Jagtman AM. Panel perception of change in facial aesthetics following orthodontic treatment in adolescents. Eur J Orthod. 2008 Apr;30(2):141-6.
McKeta N, Rinchuse DJ, Close JM. Practitioner and patient perceptions of orthodontic treatment: is the patient always right? J Esthet Restor Dent. 2012 Feb;24(1):40-50.
Naini FB, Donaldson AN, McDonald F, Cobourne MT. Assessing the influence of chin prominence on perceived attractiveness in the orthognathic patient, clinician and layperson. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2012 Jul;41(7):839-46.
Pabari S, Moles DR, Cunningham SJ. Assessment of motivation and psychological characteristics of adult orthodontic patients. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2011 Dec;140(6):e263-72.
Vargo JK, Gladwin M, Ngan P. Association between ratings of facial attractivess and patients' motivation for orthognathic surgery. Orthod Craniofac Res. 2003 Feb;6(1):63-71.
Varlik SK, Demirba? E, Orhan M. Influence of lower facial height changes on frontal facial attractiveness and perception of treatment need by lay people. Angle Orthod. 2010 Nov;80(6):1159-64.
At least, please recognize this limitation of the study.
Page 14-15: I still believe that the analysis of separate factors in a heterogeneous sample is incorrect. In particular, putting together children and adults is very problematic. By the by, if your adults had a previous ortho experience, and they are coming again to be treated, I think that their problems may be very big (or that the previous treatment was unsuccessful).
By the by, in your letter you write both that univariate analysis has confounding factors, and that it should be used... I am sorry but I don't understand your valuable point of view.
Page 17: I still believe that all this part should be deleted from the text. If you want to test if this kind of analysis helps in treatment planning you should assess patients' satisfaction AFTER a treatment defined according to your method. But this is another investigation.
Page 17: I cannot understand: are you quoting papers that you have not read in full? Just the abstract or quotations by other investigators? But this cannot be done in a serious paper published but a serious Journal. In this way, you are clearly writing that your paper is a collection of "ideas" not of facts, and that the Journal is just a second choice journal.我是很诚实的告诉了他我找不到全文,这是一个二次引用,至少我很诚实,只是我不知道怎么去标注,但是她却对我进行了人格的侮辱
Page 18: it is fantastic to read that "many English and Chinese words differ in meaning", is it a novelty? Are you trying to win a Nobel prize? If you don't know English, write in Chinese Journals. If you want to write in English journals, use a correct language even in your first submission. 我觉得这是我听到最伤人的话了,难道非英语母语国家的人一定要写出很好的英语才能投sci吗?我们英语不好,至少我们很努力
Text, page 7: "To be certain...thinking carefully": what do you mean? Unclear sentence, something missing.
Page 12, second paragraph; this is a repetition; third paragraph: out of focus, please remove (see before in the comments to your letter).
Page 13, last part of the page: there are several repetitions of previous info.
Page 14, mid page: "The reasons.. than maxilla": Unclear sentence, what would you like to express? Even children know that the mandible becomes longer and bigger with age... they see older people around them (or do your children live in institutions with only other children around?)
Page 14 last line and page 15 first lines: I don't understand, what did Cala et al. did? Put in this way, it is not an explanation.

编辑: zhongguoxing

