
2009-04-01 00:00 来源:爱思唯尔 作者:爱思唯尔
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金丕焕教授任职上海复旦大学公共卫生学院,从事卫生统计学教学和科研工作60余年,曾任《Computational Statistics  and Data Analysis》编委,并在统计方法、临床试验及计算机应用等方面发表多篇文章和著作。

Professor Jin has been a teacher of health statistics since 1956 in Shanghai Medical University, and was a Ph.D candidate adviser and has many students with Ph.D or master degree.

He developed the first statistical package in China, thein 1984, and translated the 5th edition of the software developed by WHO and CDC into Chinese which had been widely used all across China. He has also been involved in many professional activities; a member of the Scientific Program Committee of MEDINFO 89, a member of the Organizing Committee of the first China-Japan Medical Information symposium (1990), assumed Deputy Chairman of China Medical Informatics for more than ten years, he was the co-writer of the guideline of the first and second edition of the "Statistical Guideline", the "Guideline of CSR Writing" and the draft of the "Guideline of CTD Writing" for the SFDA. He has been the General Manager of EPS China (a CRO) since its establishment in 2000.

编辑: dongchangcheng

